FInteresting Webcam was invented in 1991 by researchers to check if the coffee pot in another room is empty or not. 21 hours ago Everybody is kung fu fighting! 21 hours ago In 1974, artist Marina Abramović performed “Rhythm 0,” an artwork in which she sat motionless with 72 objects on a table that the audience could use o… 21 hours ago Pulled out the Bible in my hotel room and found a $20. 21 hours ago A freediver in distress, saved in extremis by his buddy. 21 hours ago A middle school chemistry class in Hubei, China 21 hours ago Khris Kristofferson tells Sinéad O’Connor ‘Don’t let the bastards get you down’ at Madison Square Garden after the audience boos her for tearing up a … 21 hours ago ELI5 Do muscles really get “Knots” and if so what are they are what causes them? 21 hours ago The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back. 21 hours ago 1 2 3 ... 36